Jump Rope almost tanked my device :(

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Jump Rope almost tanked my device :(

Postby PointOfLight » Mon Jul 26, 2010 6:43 am

I guess it may not be true that it was actually Jump Rope's fault, but this is the first time I've ever had this happen. I played a few games of Jump Rope, and on the last one when I got the Play Again? dialog I said No Thanks. The game went back to the main menu, and then it just seemed to freeze. None of the menu buttons worked, so I tried clicking the Home button, and the app didn't go away. Then I tried turning the power off, and the screen got dim, but the device did not shut off. I tried holding the power button to see if I could get the slider to let me truly shut off the device, but that didn't work. No combination of holding the power button and / or home button did anything. Then I tried accessing the Apps tab in iTunes, and that basically froze up on me. After what seemed like an eternity (but was probably just a minute or two) the Apple logo finally showed up on my device, and then that stayed there for again what seemed like a really long time. Finally after all of that the device seems to be working fine again, but now I'm almost afraid to launch Jump Rope, because I really thought I had lost it all there for a little bit. Any thoughts from anyone?
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Re: Jump Rope almost tanked my device :(

Postby egarayblas » Mon Jul 26, 2010 8:16 am

Sorry to hear that Eric. I'm glad you were able to restore it properly. Honestly speaking, there's no way Jump Rope could "brick" your device because its just a simple app and does not even access the file system (same architecture and base code template as Jumpbot). Something else must be up. Did you upgrade your device to iOS4 recently or are you still running iOS3?
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Re: Jump Rope almost tanked my device :(

Postby PointOfLight » Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:39 pm

I'm still running iOS 3. I didn't really think it could be Jump Rope, it's just odd that I've never experienced that problem before, and the game did definitely lock up, because the screen flip back to the main menu hadn't even completed. I ended up trying the game again last night and it ran fine, though I only played through once. I'll try it again some more tonight.
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Re: Jump Rope almost tanked my device :(

Postby Taylor Jasko » Tue Jul 27, 2010 5:36 am

I had the exact same thing happen with me. Locks up completely when trying to go to the main menu. I'm also running iOS 3.1.3 (1st gen iPod touch).

Eric, by any chance, were you far in the game when it crashed? I noticed it was crashing on me later in the game and not in the early stages of it...

Jump Rope is the very first game to do that on me too where it completely locks up the device. If you tried to turn the device off (at least on my end), the screen goes a bit darker but still showing Jump Rope on the screen.
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Re: Jump Rope almost tanked my device :(

Postby PointOfLight » Tue Jul 27, 2010 5:44 am

Taylor Jasko wrote:I had the exact same thing happen with me. Locks up completely when trying to go to the main menu. I'm also running iOS 3.1.3 (1st gen iPod touch).

Eric, by any chance, were you far in the game when it crashed? I noticed it was crashing on me later in the game and not in the early stages of it...

Jump Rope is the very first game to do that on me too where it completely locks up the device. If you tried to turn the device off (at least on my end), the screen goes a bit darker but still showing Jump Rope on the screen.

I wasn't real far in the game in terms of score, but I had played several rounds before it happened. I do believe that the game where it crashed was the highest score I had achieved, though. Just out of curiosity, how did you recover from it? I finally got my device going again, but it was honestly pure luck, as I just kept hitting buttons until the thing was running again.
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Re: Jump Rope almost tanked my device :(

Postby egarayblas » Tue Jul 27, 2010 1:42 pm

Sorry about that guys. Doing some more optimizations to the game. The game uses a lot of nifty graphics hence the high memory usage but rest assured, it won't "brick" your devices. :)
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Re: Jump Rope almost tanked my device :(

Postby Taylor Jasko » Tue Jul 27, 2010 4:15 pm

PointOfLight wrote:I wasn't real far in the game in terms of score, but I had played several rounds before it happened. I do believe that the game where it crashed was the highest score I had achieved, though. Just out of curiosity, how did you recover from it? I finally got my device going again, but it was honestly pure luck, as I just kept hitting buttons until the thing was running again.

That's what I did too; I played several rounds before the crash. I'm pretty sure it doesn't crash on the highest score, but I think it crashes later in the game.

I got my device running by holding down the home and the power button at the same time for about five seconds. That'll forcefully turn off the device and then you can hold down the power button to start it back up... after that, it took about 2-3 minutes to boot back up for me (just like you said).
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