Taylor Jasko wrote:I had the exact same thing happen with me. Locks up completely when trying to go to the main menu. I'm also running iOS 3.1.3 (1st gen iPod touch).
Eric, by any chance, were you far in the game when it crashed? I noticed it was crashing on me later in the game and not in the early stages of it...
Jump Rope is the very first game to do that on me too where it completely locks up the device. If you tried to turn the device off (at least on my end), the screen goes a bit darker but still showing Jump Rope on the screen.
PointOfLight wrote:I wasn't real far in the game in terms of score, but I had played several rounds before it happened. I do believe that the game where it crashed was the highest score I had achieved, though. Just out of curiosity, how did you recover from it? I finally got my device going again, but it was honestly pure luck, as I just kept hitting buttons until the thing was running again.
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