@choiKELViN Oh! This Saturday …
@choiKELViN Oh! This Saturday will be all about games so pls come if you can.
@choiKELViN Oh! This Saturday will be all about games so pls come if you can.
9 slides so far for my #Y4IT presentation. Wondering how I can maximize the 30 minutes. Gangnam Style intro maybe?
@idsanty Will be sharing my experiences as an independent game developer w/ respect to the local scene.
@idsanty Thank you! I’ll feel better as soon as I figure out what I’m going to say & share.
@pd_i Was invited as a speaker. Still figuring out what I’m going to say/share.
Working on my presentation for #Y4IT Hoping to inspire the attendees or at least give them an awesome time.
On the plus side, my 2 year old Macbook Air feels much faster after upgrading to Mountain Lion!
@radamanthus Upgrading XCode (from 4.1 to 4.4.1) & resetting up my certs + provisioning profiles.