Catch #StreetfoodTycoon on TV5…
Catch #StreetfoodTycoon on TV5 soon!
Catch #StreetfoodTycoon on TV5 soon!
@RSCdev Thank you for the plug Rodrigo!
@RSCdev Done! Sorry about that I thought I was following you. Erick here btw. Rodrigo, right?
@RSCdev @peachpellen I agree re: ads. I use a workaround too just so I can support other providers.
@peachpellen @RSCdev I thought Unity was overkill for my requirements too but I’m having a blast w/ the latest version.
@RSCdev Btw, I was following the discussions on RevMob & I don’t think you should rely too much on them. Combine them w/ others.
@peachpellen @RSCdev I’ve been playing w/ Unity for the past week after they announced support for Windows/Windows Phone.
@RSCdev Indeed there are. Its not advisable to stick w/ just one SDK, it will always depend on your requirements.
@wtrebella Sweet! I used to give summer art classes to kids too & it was one of my most rewarding experiences.
@wtrebella Cool to know that we can always revive our apps whenever we want to.