And finally, some thoughts on …
And finally, some thoughts on #Alienz If you haven’t tried it yet, please do!
And finally, some thoughts on #Alienz If you haven’t tried it yet, please do!
RT @freeAppCalendar Tower Defense EVO is available FOR FREE! Amazing TD strategy & action. with awesome graphics!
Nice! RT @chrismwaite RT @freelancehouse: The Freelance House iPhone app is out now!
Supporting both the iPhone/iPod, iPad & iPhone 4′s retina display is a daunting task. Still convinced to go “universal” though.
I defended planet Earth from the #Alienz & scored 17,172 points! Beat that!
@RogerChiu Email would be great. Thanks!
@weheartgames Nice! Interested to acquire your services too. How can I contact you personally?
@weheartgames Do you do freelance game dev work Mike? Can you share which games have you worked on?