Just ordered Snow Leopard upgr…
Just ordered Snow Leopard upgrade CD. Hope it arrives quickly. My setup is almost finished, can’t wait to code!
Just ordered Snow Leopard upgrade CD. Hope it arrives quickly. My setup is almost finished, can’t wait to code!
@RustySabre Backing-up right away! @RawrSean @Northstreamer Thanks guys!
@madgarden Congrats & welcome to the club!
Big news today! The data experts managed to recover 100% of my files! We’re back in business folks! Thank you for all your help.
@allistairlee Thanks! I’ll take you up on your offer if things don’t go as planned.
Anyone here who can do webdev & redesign our blog? It’s a simple, single blogger.com page. Please drop us a note! http://bit.ly/9Q7nrm
Blog: So we finally got an iPad! What’s next? http://bit.ly/c7of63
RT @madgarden RT @NimbleBit Dizzypad is almost in the top 10 apps on the iPad!!! Help us get to the top! http://bit.ly/aD8tMt