RT @freeAppCalendar Face Race,…
RT @freeAppCalendar Face Race, a camera-based party game is FREE today! Make faces! Take pix! Vote! http://bit.ly/freeappcal #iPhone
RT @freeAppCalendar Face Race, a camera-based party game is FREE today! Make faces! Take pix! Vote! http://bit.ly/freeappcal #iPhone
Working on a Sunday & figuring out this “iTunes-app installation/entitlements” error. Would appreciate any solution anyone can provide?
@TinManGames Wish there was a way to contact reviewers on iTunes privately since they’re the only ones who can undo their 1-star ratings.
@GavinBowman @HeadcaseGames Maybe we should start collaborating on the same concept–More Cars? More Dresses? Like that Zombie idea btw.
2 more days! Just follow @kuyimobile & retweet this to win a $10 iTunes GC on April 26! Good luck everyone! #RTTHIS
RT @freeAppCalendar Argh me hearties! Zepi: Pirates be free fer today. Come an’ get yer chain makin’ booty! http://bit.ly/freeappcal
Sometimes the problem with being an indie is that you hardly notice what day of the week it is. Everyday can be a weekday or a weekend.
@TinManGames Will blog about it after I sort all these out. Still rolling out my marketing plan for #SOW
Back to the old drawing board for #SOW Lite. Fixing a few minor stuff & will resubmit soon. Sorry for the delays!
@GavinBowman @TinManGames Thank you for the RTs!