@RSCdev Indeed there are. Its …
@RSCdev Indeed there are. Its not advisable to stick w/ just one SDK, it will always depend on your requirements.
@RSCdev Indeed there are. Its not advisable to stick w/ just one SDK, it will always depend on your requirements.
@wtrebella Sweet! I used to give summer art classes to kids too & it was one of my most rewarding experiences.
@wtrebella Cool to know that we can always revive our apps whenever we want to.
@peachpellen Being in the mobile games biz for a decade now, I couldn’t agree more w/ @carlosicaza’s article. @RSCdev @appcelerator
@simonflesser @coolpowers @chrismwaite @ChaoticBox @GavinBowman Cool! Maybe we can make one specifically for iOS indie games?
@ChaoticBox If you make a website out of those, I’d be glad to contribute more. Also, http://t.co/Wt0F9K2T sounds pretty neat!
@wtrebella You teach Kindergarten? Cool!
“The way to get started is to quit talking & begin doing.” — Walt Disney
Looks like Android release maybe delayed. Beta feedback are all different & varying depending on the device.
Enjoying this! RT @twothumbsapp: Are you rooting for Obama or Romney? @PlayVOTE now! Fun little game by @ChAIRGAMES! http://t.co/cyZO3RSs